Monday, January 18, 2010

Weekend Trip Sparks Interest in Reading

Saturday morning, I packed up the kids and myself and headed out to see my grandma, over 350 miles away.  Hubby had work to do at home and my grandma's 98th birthday was on Saturday.  She was so surprised to see us when we got there and I'm glad we went.

On the way home today, we stopped at the Christian book store, where Emily picked out a book that she wanted to read during the drive.  I was thrilled that she wanted me to buy her a book!  You have to understand that Emily has never been too excited about reading, so when she asked for a book, I had to get her one!  After purchasing it, I realized that we could get two more for just a penny more.  So, guess what?  Yep, we got two more and she read until it got dark.  I'm curious to see what will happen now that we're home and no longer in a confined space without toys!  Will she choose to read on her own, without a reminder?  Only time will tell!

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