We finished strong, learning about the California Gold Rush in 1849. Just a few days before studying it, I stumbled upon these little bags of "gold" at the store and couldn't resist buying them.
These chewing gum nuggets unexpectedly furthered our lesson. Since gold is so strong and can be hammered flat, I used these nuggets as an object lesson about gold. We all put some in our mouths and took note about how the "gold" didn't break apart, rather it flattened out. Pretty cool, huh?
The girls got to paint on canvas on our last day. Katie painted a tree (haven't taken a picture of hers yet), and Emily painted a hedgehog. They both turned out very cute.
Emily made homemade chocolate chip muffins to celebrate our last day. Very yummy!
Our last day was on Thursday, so we had Fun Day Friday and went to Kings Island. It was a beautiful day!
Friday night, the girls were doing simple experiments on their own. They made a mixture with vinegar to clean pennies, and put Ivory soap in the microwave to see it expand. Katie even explained to me how it happens. After they pulled the soap out, they crumbled it into a bowl, and now it's ready for me to use with my homemade laundry detergent. Bonus for me! :)
We will be doing some math and language arts over the summer. I say this every year and we've never met my goals. But, after all these years of spending too much time in the fall reviewing, I'm going to work harder at sticking with my plan this summer.
My plan is to start My Father's World 1850 to Modern Times some time in August. We are making some changes in math and language arts but I haven't nailed them down just yet. I'm leaning heavily towards using Teaching Textbooks for math. We've always used RightStart, and I still love the program. But, it's teacher intense. Need I say more? I might also add Life of Fred as a supplement.
I plan to use some materials from Queen Homeschool Supplies for language arts. I'm pretty sure we'll use the vocabulary, and maybe some copywork. But, I haven't nailed that down yet either.
For now, we are all looking forward to summer and the warm weather it brings!

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