Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Simple Tuesday

Outside my window...there is still a little snow left on the ground, and the sun is shining. This, I am thankful for. 

I am thinking...I need to take a shower, make a meal & grocery list, and finish lesson planning for the week.

I am thankful for...the time we had off during the holidays, to just enjoy each other.

From the kitchen...is silence. 

I am wearing...still in my pajamas!

I am creating...a list of outdoor winter activities, wondering if or how many we will actually do.

I am going...to the bank today to pay off a loan (after I shower, of course).

I am reading...What Happens When Women Say Yes to God.  I'm just at the beginning of it and already loving it.

I am hoping...that Katie's cough soon subsides so we can all rest peacefully at night.  Waking up at 5am is not my cup of tea!

I am hearing...Katie coughing. :(

Around the house...is a bunch of clutter, much of which I need to purge.

One of my favorite things...curling up under a warm quilt while I drink a cup of hot cocoa.

Here is a picture I am sharing...from Jan. 22, 2011 - hoping we'll see a good snowfall soon.


  1. I'm sorry you have a sick one. We all went through the cold/cough thing before Christmas, and it's no fun! Your quilt and cocoa sound good!

  2. I love this!! Isn't this so easy, when you don't know what to write? :)
