We were doing so well zipping right through Katie's Kindergarten lessons (2 full units/lessons per week)...until... PENGUINS!!! The girls LOVES her penguins! I saw it coming and planned for it. I found materials to use for a lapbook, all about... you guessed it... Penguins! Big Sis wants to do one too, so I have material at her level too. Why not? They both love to create and lapbooking has proven itself over and over in our family. I think my kids have learned more from constructing their lapbooks over the years (and similar projects) than from anything else. So we've taken a little detour from our studies in Europe (ECC) but we'll get back on track soon. And it just happens to be Penguin Days at our local zoo, so we will be taking a field trip there soon (this week, if it stops raining!). There is a penguin parade outside two times every day and activities on weekends through February. We are really looking forward to going!
My daughter made a penguin lapbook in K. Sweet times. And penguins are fascinating creatures.